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Curated list of research papers on AI for Law and Justice

Here is a curated list of research papers at the intersection of AI and Law

Technical Research Papers

  1. Incorporating Domain Knowledge for Extractive Summarization of Legal Case Documents – In this paper the team propose an unsupervised summarization algorithm DELSumm which is designed to systematically incorporate guidelines from legal experts into an optimization setup where experiments have been conducted on Supreme Court documents.
  2. Semantic Segmentation in Law-AI – This GitHub repository comprises of data and code for the paper titled – Identification of Rhetorical Roles of Sentences in Indian Legal Judgments. The authors have used 7 rhetoric roles for a judgement text in this AI task.
  3. ILDC for CJPE: Indian Legal Documents Corpus for Court Judgment Prediction and Explanation  The author in this paper presents result from the experiments with a battery of baseline models for case predictions and propose a hierarchical occlusion based model for explainability
  4. Judgement Summarisation – In this thesis system has been proposed and tested for creating headnotes 2 automatically for the relevant legal judgments retrieved for a user query.

Policy Papers and recommendation

  1. Responsible AI for the Indian Justice System – A Strategy Paper: Vidhi Centre for Legal Policy released the strategy paper on responsible AI for Indian Justice System. In past couple of years Supreme Court of Indian has already begun to pilot AI tools for Judgement translation as well as court administration.

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